Rome total realism vii
Rome total realism vii

In Rome, armies were colour-coded by faction, for ease of playability: all of the Egyptian (now called the Ptolomeic Empire) units wore bright yellow clothing, Julii wore red, mercenaries green, rebels gray, and so forth.

rome total realism vii

Two hundred new textures and models have been added in total. The majority of the units on the tactical map have been given new skins, and several new units have been created. Still, all factions do have their own typical units that can be recruited anywhere. In RTR, the units that can be recruited in a province depend in large part on the province itself Gallic infantry, for instance, can only be recruited in Gaul, but can be recruited by all factions. The exceptions were that Roman First Cohorts could only be recruited in Rome Spartan hoplites could only be recruited in Sparta or Syracuse and elephant and camel units could only be recruited in provinces that have those animals as resources. In Rome, there was virtually no restriction on the units a faction could train in a given province- for example, Carthage could train exactly the same units in Carthage as they could in Spain. New "Area of Recruitment" gameplay mechanic. In short less chariots and more Greek looking in their fighting style. Rome portrays the Egyptian faction more as the Pharaonic Middle-Eastern empire it was in the tenth century BC than the Ptolemaic successor state to Alexander's empire it actually was in the game's period (280 BC–14 AD).

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The Mod also renamed several factions to improve historical accuracy, such as giving Spain its classical name, Iberia.Įgypt has been changed as well, with regards its units:One of the biggest changes was the portrayal of Egypt.

rome total realism vii

The team has added loads more cities, meaning it takes longer to put down an area and keep it under your control, most notably in North Africa, though they did so elsewhere also.

rome total realism vii

This shows the historical extent of the various eastern powers, such as Parthia and the Seleucids, the borders of which stretched far beyond the edge of Rome's campaign map. Map has been extended north to Scotland, now includes the Nordic nations and extended much further east. Brilliant mod - although more like an expansion pack to Rome Total War.

Rome total realism vii