How to open cow level
How to open cow level

how to open cow level how to open cow level

Within-herd level prevalence ranged from 4.8 to 52.6% (median 26.3%, interquartile range 15.6 to 33.3%). The cow-level prevalence of SCE was 25.9%. In total, 779 cows from 38 herds were used in the analysis. Lactating Holstein cows were sampled between 40 and 60 d in milk using low-volume uterine lavage, and cytology was evaluated to determine SCE status. A cross-sectional study was used to determine prevalence and risk factors with cows followed in a prospective study to determine reproductive outcomes. The objectives of this study were to obtain prevalence estimates for subclinical endometritis (SCE), determine cow- and herd-level risk factors, and evaluate the reproductive consequences of SCE.

How to open cow level