You can enable searching through Google, Overture, MSN (now Bing) and Teoma, plus directories like, Google Directory and Yahoo Directory, the Metacrawler web crawler and additional services like news and WebRing. is a website that lets you choose between a variety of services for performing your search. Check out the best services for searching multiple engines below. This is especially handy for gathering up all the top news articles across the Internet or a wide variety of images. There are several websites and apps that have combined all the best engines into a single search so you can get a side-by-side view of each results page.

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could search all of them at once to maximize your ability to find what you’re looking for? Use these services to search multiple search engines and get the best results possible | Shutterstock Yet still, when you search among each of these services, you’ll virtually never get the exact same results. The top search engines in the game - Google, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo, to name a few - all scour the web every day for millions upon millions of web pages to add to their search results.